Care Communities in Action: Wrapping around mom of 7 in Purcellville, VA

Creating a healthy community is vital while you're fostering or planning to adopt.

Sometimes as a foster or adoptive parent, it is hard to ask people to step in. Perhaps, you aren’t sure what help to ask for, or the thought of coordinating that help can be totally overwhelming.

That’s why we train the church to form Care Communities.

These are small teams of about 5-10 volunteers from the local church who are trained and ready to mobilize when a family caring for vulnerable children needs help. They commit to providing practical wrap-around support such as meal deliveries, childcare, help with household tasks - as well as prayer and encouragement. 50% of families who foster actually quit within the first year. However, 90% continue past the first year if they have a Care Community.

But, what does it actually look like to be a Care Community volunteer? Check out our conversation with Ansley who has been leading a Care Community in Purcellville, VA!


Compassion in Action


But What About MY Kids?