How God Went Extravagant Lengths to Adopt You and I

Jason Johnson, an author and adoptive father suggests,

“Christmas is the story of a good Father going to extravagant lengths to adopt those who were once separated from Him. It is the celebration of God seeing the plight of His people and responding with the greatest gift of love this world has ever known Jesus.”

Scripture is filled with stories of God going extravagant lengths, all culminating to bring his children home. One that I have reflected on this advent season comes from the first chapter of Luke.

Luke 1:25 says:

“Thus the Lord has done for me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.” 

In this verse, we see Mary’s elder cousin, Elizabeth, responding to her miraculous pregnancy with John. Take a moment to imagine, with all the cultural shame attached to infertility at that time, how much Elizabeth’s pregnancy brought deep belonging and peace.

The story is indeed an extravagant one. Not only was Elizabeth barren, she was well past childbearing years. Her husband Zechariah was struck speechless for months as he questioned the angel’s promise of a child. God’s lavish blessing on Elizabeth wasn’t restricted by any of her limits. And that’s not lost on Elizabeth. We get a sweet window into her response.

She says, The Lord did this for me… 

In Project Belong’s work with vulnerable children, we see people go to extravagant lengths for children.

We see foster parents lavishly love children as they struggle through inordinate loss. We see adoptive parents graft children into forever homes. We see mentors pour time and energy into young adults who’ve aged out of foster care. That gift of moving towards another person with time and heart — it is what’s been modeled for us by Jesus in Christmas. 

Do you know what happens when a child transitions from a place of chaos to a place of safety? The child goes from being in a constant state of “fight or flight” to security. Love and pursuit bring healing. The child returns to his calling... being a child. 

This Advent are you connected to the extravagant lengths the Lord has gone to adopt you? 

May that truth cause you to experience His peace and belonging this Christmas. 


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